(AGAPE*: the word used by the Ancient Greek Philosophers to express the highest form
of unconditional LOVE)
With the endorsement of the European Parliament 'European Youth Year' 2022, the European Space Agency EAC, ESERO Greece
The extraordinary challenges humanity faces in our time,
demand extraordinary collaborative actions to tackle them.
In Mission AGAPE we Believe that Humanity
needs MORE SPACE FOR a New EARTH of Peace!
For the 1st Teachers & Students globally
collaborate with Astronauts & Cosmonauts
to cultivate their ethos & special skills in Youth and act on the
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 &16,13
for a New Peaceful Europe & World!
Teachers, SIGN UP to Join MISSION AGAPE from October 14th 2024 to get exclusive access on the
to the innovative Digital Tool Kit with AI & Augmented reality tools:
'ACT like Cosmo-Astronauts for a New Earth of Peace and AGAPE
empowering #Pedagogy4love #SDGs #Space4SDGs
By completing and emailing your 'Mission AGAPE' action inspired by the ethos and skills of the Astro-Cosmonauts, you will receive:
1) the official Mission AGAPE Certificates for Students & Teachers
by 3Dlexia Cosmos endorsed by the European Parliament,
European Space Agency & the United Nations
2) the signed augmented reality astronaut by the current Commander of the International Space Sation (ISS) Oleg Artemyev accompanied by his autograph, exclusively for the SOS4love Project Ambassadors!
READ the 3 Steps below to understand in detail 'Mission AGAPE'
& connect with Youth & Teachers globally on Innovative Goal 4 & 16 Actions inspired by the Ethos and Skills
of the cosmo-astronauts, to empower students to become the leaders of a new Earth of Peace!
Then go to the 'Action Guide MISSION AGAPE'
drop-down Menu under the HOME page to start organizing your action
while building students with the cosmo-astronauts' special skills
for a new Earth of Peace & AGAPE!

Understanding MISSION AGAPE Step 1
1) New to the UN SDGs?
Sign up to receive for free our AI Chatbot to help you with SDGs or go to the HOME Page menu to find out about the UN SDGs and the Story of the SOS4love Project by 3Dlexia Cosmos. Discover the UN SDGs by downloading the free App 'SOS4love Goes to Space for SDGs' and play with its augmented reality astronauts!
2) Click on the LINK of Mission AGAPE below to discover its Scope as presented in the 'European Year of Youth 2022' by the European Parliament, focusing on initiating Youth Actions on the UN SDGs to empower Peace & Higher LOVE globally. Get inspired by our innovative digital Tool Kit that cultivates the ethos and skills of cosmo-astronauts, which will be sent exclusively from the 14th of October 2024 to all teachers who sign up for Mission AGAPE 3. The Tool Kit 'ACT Like a Cosmo-Astronaut for a New Earth of Peace' aims to cultivate students the special skills of the astronauts & cosmonauts of the International Space Station (ISS) who make the impossible possible and manage to collaborate peacefully in space despite the devastating wars on earth.

Understanding MISSION AGAPE Step 2
1) SIGN UP for MISSION AGAPE on the LINK below to receive the innovative Tool Kit on the 10th of October:
'ACT like a Cosmo-Astronaut for a New Earth of Peace & AGAPE'
2) Go to the 'Action Guide MISSION AGAPE' Button Menu
found under the HOME Page, to follow the steps of completing your Mission AGAPE Action on the UN Goals 4, 16, 13 starting on the 14th of October 2024, preparing students with the cosmo-astronauts' special life skills and ethos to help them act as agents of change for a new future and Earth of Peace and AGAPE.
3) On October 14th go to the SOS4love Project Facebook page to get updates from our trip to ESA Astronaut Training Center in Cologne, Germany Presented in ESERO Greece Symposium where we launched Mission AGAPE 3 & collaborated with ESA scientists to help prepare out innovative Tool-Kit inspired by the ISS Cosmo-Astronauts!

Understanding MISSION AGAPE Step 3
COMPLETE & email us your MISSION AGAPE Action by the end of December 2020 & e-mail your material to info@sos4loveproject.com, as described on the 'Action Guide MISSION AGAPE' Menu under the HOME Page button. You will then receive the official Certification of MISSION AGAPE by 3Dlexia Cosmos endorsed by the European Parliament, UN, ESA, ESERO Greece Symposium as well as the ISS Commander's Oleg Artemyev signed SOS4love Project augmented reality astronaut and autograph, exclusively
for the MISSION AGAPE Ambassadors!